



? ? ? ?愛爾眼科醫院集團是中國及全球范圍醫院規模和醫療能力領先的眼科醫療集團,覆蓋亞洲、歐洲和北美洲,在中國內地、歐洲、東南亞擁有3家上市公司(中國深圳:愛爾眼科,300015;西班牙:CBAV;新加坡:40T),眼科醫院及中心數量達600余家,其中中國內地500余家、中國香港7家、美國1家、歐洲80余家,東南亞12家,中國內地年門診量超1000萬人次。

  AIER Eye Hospital Group is China’s leading ophthalmology hospital group that covers Asia, Europe, and North America with huge scale and outstanding medical capacity. It has three listed companies in China (stock code: 300015) ,Europe (Spain: CBAV), and Southeast Asia (Singapore: 40T) with a total number of more than 600 specialized eye hospitals and centers and the annual outpatient visits in mainland China exceeded 10 million. Among those eye hospitals and centers, there are more than 500 in Mainland China, 7 in Hong Kong, 1 in the United States, more than 80 in Europe, and 12 in Southeast Asia.


  AIER is committed to the parallel introduction and absorption of world-leading ophthalmic technology and management concept, with professionalism, scale and science as its strategy to advance China's ophthalmic medical care.


  Base on constant exploration and practice, also with absorbing advanced international medical management experience, AIER Eye Hospital Group has successfully established the "hierarchical chain" management model that adapts to China's market environment. Utilizing our advantages in talent, technology and management, we aim to provide the most trusted eye care to patients all over the country by offering good medical quality, superior medical service and harmonious doctors-to-patients communication.






  In 2013, AIER and Central South University jointly set up AIER School of Ophthalmology, CSU, to educate and train medical professionals with advanced degrees,which opened a new era for social capital to be involved in medical education.

  In 2014, AIER joined the Hubei University of Science and Technology to establish the AIER School of Ophthalmology & Optometry, which aims to cultivate specialized talents in Optometry.

  In 2019, AIER Clinical College of Ophthalmology, and Ophthalmic Research Institute in Wuhan University were found.

  Besides, AIER has established 7 institutes since 2011, they are AIER Ophthalmology Institute, AIER Optometry Institute, AIER Refraction Institute, AIER Corneal Institute, AIER Glaucoma Institute, AIER Retinology Institute, and AIER Cataract Institute.

  At this point, AIER has bridged all three areas of medicine, education, and research, the establishment of these educational and research institutions will significantly boost our research and clinical standards.

  在快速跨越式發展的過程中,愛爾眼科凝聚和培養了一批經驗豐富、開拓創新的管理團隊和醫術精良、治學嚴謹的眼科專家和醫生團隊。截止2020年4月,愛爾眼科集團及旗下全球員工總數 36,000余人,其中眼科及視光醫生總數(含海外)7,400余人,包括一大批碩士生導師、博士生導師、博士、博士后、留學歐美的學者以及臨床經驗豐富的核心專家,是中國眼科領域備受矚目的有生力量。

  In the process of rapid development, AIER has gathered and cultivated a group of experienced and innovative management team and a team of ophthalmologists with excellent medical ability and rigorous academic background. As of April, 2020,AIER has more than 36,000 employees globally, including 7,400 ophthalmologists and optometrists. Ophthalmologists in AIER consist of a large number of Master's supervisor, PH.D supervisor, Ph.D, Post doctorates, scholars trained in Europe and the United States and core experts with rich clinical experience. They are a high-profile core force in the field of ophthalmology in China.


  Since its founding, AIER always committed to the mission,“Enabling everyone, whether rich or poor, has the right to eye health.”With its "cross-subsidy" model, AIER provides patients with higher quality services, in the meantime dedicate itself to the social welfare and helping vulnerable groups to promote the cause of fighting blindness and national eye health.


  With the reform on China's medical health system, AIER adapts to the national medical policy and trend, launching the "Partnership Program" in the healthcare industry to focus on changing the ecological environment for ophthalmologists and maximizing the creativity and initiative of core members in 2014. This strategy is a strong motivation for expanding AIER’s scale, raising benefits. AIER has always been focusing on eye care service and will establish more professional hospitals in smaller cities and counties providing high quality and multi-level eye care to more people.


  • 診療時間: 8:00—12:00 14:30—18:00(無節假日)
  • 預約門診
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